Company Background
vikingtelecomsolutions.com was created in 1990, and became an all online business in 1997. We began our roots more than 35 years ago as a local business telephone equipment sales & installation company. Today we offer many years of experience in the telecommunications industry and continue to expand our online catalog. We have over 500 security and communication products; such as Emergency Phones, Entry Systems, Paging Interfaces, Amplifiers, Mass Notification Systems, Hot Line Phones, Auto Dialers, Enclosures, and more. As well, we have been increasing our IP based product line. Viking Telecom Solutions VoIP products are all SIP compliant, and many of them are built with automatic noise canceling and enhanced weather protection. We are consistently developing and working on new ideas using the latest technology to expand our product lines. Viking Telecom Solutions is a 100% US company and we fully operate and employee only within the USA. All product we sell we fully back up, provide support and can assist with install, and is backed by a two year limited warranty. We are dedicated to providing businesses and individuals with low prices on telephones and business telephone systems, as well as other communications products for your home and office. Our engineers and technicians are knowledgeable and friendly. We are dedicated to providing businesses and individuals with low prices on all of our security and communications equipment. Our engineers and technicians are knowledgeable and friendly, and standing by to assist you! Please call us anytime at 877-389-0000.
Contact Information and Company Location
Contact Us By Email:
Contact Form
Government Ordering Info
Federal Employer ID #: 33-0852455
D&B D-U-N-S #: 15-903-2502
Commercial and Government Entity Code (CAGE) #: 1WXV7
Schedule Contract #: GS-35F-0419X
Contact Us By Phone or Walk-In.
Toll Free Telephone #: 877-999-6186
Fax #: 714-960-8095
16182 Gothard St Unit L,
Huntington Beach, CA 92647
(See below for map)

Vikingtelecomsolutions.com, Inc. is a leading provider of Viking Electronics phone systems and equipment. We specialize in business phones and business phone systems for small to large companies; with phone systems for any application. We sell many of the brands in the IT, Telecom, Datacom, Electrical, and Industrial spaces.